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All Outputs (8)

Risk factors associated with disturbances of calcium homeostasis after initiation of a phosphate-restricted diet in cats with chronic kidney disease (2020)
Journal Article
Jepson, R., Elliott, J., Geddes, R., Chang, Y.-M., & Tang, P. (2020). Risk factors associated with disturbances of calcium homeostasis after initiation of a phosphate-restricted diet in cats with chronic kidney disease. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 1-12.


Dietary phosphate restriction improves survival in cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, feeding a phosphate‐restricted diet may disrupt calcium homeostasis leading to hypercalcemia in some cats.


To identify... Read More about Risk factors associated with disturbances of calcium homeostasis after initiation of a phosphate-restricted diet in cats with chronic kidney disease.

The Effect of Visitors on the Behavior of Zoo-Housed Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) (2020)
Journal Article
Lewis, R. N., Chang, Y. M., Ferguson, A., Lee, T., Clifforde, L., & Abeyesinghe, S. M. (2020). The Effect of Visitors on the Behavior of Zoo-Housed Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Zoo Biology,

Primates, especially apes, are popular with the public, often attracting large crowds. These crowds could cause behavioral change in captive primates, whether positive, neutral, or negative. We examined the impact of visitors on the behavior of six w... Read More about The Effect of Visitors on the Behavior of Zoo-Housed Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla).

Identification of Production Chain Risk Factors for Slaughterhouse Condemnation of Broiler Chickens’ (2020)
Journal Article
Buzdugan, S. N., Chang, Y. M., Huntington, B., Rushton, J., Guitian, J., Alarcon, P., & Blake, D. P. (2020). Identification of Production Chain Risk Factors for Slaughterhouse Condemnation of Broiler Chickens’. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105036.

Slaughterhouse condemnation of broiler chickens results from identification of polymorphic pathological conditions during meat inspection from arrival and on theslaughter line. While conditions that result in condemnation are multifactorial, identifi... Read More about Identification of Production Chain Risk Factors for Slaughterhouse Condemnation of Broiler Chickens’.

Lasting organ-level bone mechanoadaptation is unrelated to local strain (2020)
Journal Article
Javaheri, B., Razi, H., Gohin, S., Wylie, S., Chang, Y. M., Salmon, P., Lee, P. D., & Pitsillides, A. A. (2020). Lasting organ-level bone mechanoadaptation is unrelated to local strain. Science Advances, 6(10),

Bones adapt to mechanical forces according to strict principles predicting straight shape. Most bones are, however, paradoxically curved. To solve this paradox, we used computed tomography–based, four-dimensional imaging methods and computational ana... Read More about Lasting organ-level bone mechanoadaptation is unrelated to local strain.

Gene Expression Profiling of B Cell Lymphoma in Dogs Reveals Dichotomous Metabolic Signatures Distinguished by Oxidative Phosphorylation (2020)
Journal Article
Wu, Y., Chang, Y. M., Polton, G., Stell, A. J., Szladovits, B., Macfarlane, M., Peters, L. M., Priestnall, S. L., Bacon, N. J., Kow, K., Stewart, S., Sharma, E., Goulart, M. R., Gribben, J., Xia, D., & Garden, O. A. (2020). Gene Expression Profiling of B Cell Lymphoma in Dogs Reveals Dichotomous Metabolic Signatures Distinguished by Oxidative Phosphorylation. Frontiers in Oncology, 10,

Gene expression profiling has revealed molecular heterogeneity of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in both humans and dogs. Two DLBCL subtypes based on cell of origin are generally recognized, germinal center B (GCB)-like and activated B cell (A... Read More about Gene Expression Profiling of B Cell Lymphoma in Dogs Reveals Dichotomous Metabolic Signatures Distinguished by Oxidative Phosphorylation.

Pre-analytical factors affecting whole blood and plasma glucose concentrations in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) (2020)
Journal Article
Kunze, P. E., Perrault, J. R., Chang, Y. M., Manire, C. A., Clark, S., & Stacy, N. I. (2020). Pre-analytical factors affecting whole blood and plasma glucose concentrations in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). PLoS ONE, 15,

Blood glucose is vital for many physiological pathways and can be quantified by clinical chemistry analyzers and in-house point-of-care (POC) devices. Pre-analytical and analytical factors can influence blood glucose measurements. This project aimed... Read More about Pre-analytical factors affecting whole blood and plasma glucose concentrations in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta).

Impacts of UVB provision on serum vitamin D3, pigmentation, growth rates and total body mineral content in Mallorcan midwife toad larvae (Alytes muletensis) (2020)
Journal Article
Whatley, C., Tapley, B., Chang, Y. M., Newton-Yowens, J., McKendry, D., & Michaels, C. (2020). Impacts of UVB provision on serum vitamin D3, pigmentation, growth rates and total body mineral content in Mallorcan midwife toad larvae (Alytes muletensis).

The health of amphibians in captive breeding programmes can be compromised by nutritional metabolic bone disease and secondary hyperparathyroidism, which is a result of poor calcium metabolism or an inverse calcium:phosphorus ratio in the blood. UVB... Read More about Impacts of UVB provision on serum vitamin D3, pigmentation, growth rates and total body mineral content in Mallorcan midwife toad larvae (Alytes muletensis).

Osteoarthritis-related nociceptive behaviour following mechanical joint loading correlates with cartilage damage (2020)
Journal Article
Ter Heegde, F., Luiz, A. P., Santana-Varela, S., Magnusdottir, R., Hopkinson, M., Chang, Y. M., Poulet, B., Fowkes, R. C., Wood, J. N., & Chenu, C. (2020). Osteoarthritis-related nociceptive behaviour following mechanical joint loading correlates with cartilage damage. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 28(3), 383-395.

In osteoarthritis (OA), the pain-structure relationship remains complex and poorly understood. Here, we used the mechanical joint loading (MJL) model of OA to investigate both knee pathology and nociceptive behaviour.