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All Outputs (157)

A fusion of minicircle DNA and nanoparticle delivery technologies facilitates therapeutic genetic engineering of autologous canine olfactory mucosal cells (2017)
Journal Article
Delaney, A. M., Adams, C. F., Fernandes, A. R., Al-Shakli, A. F., Sen, J., Carwardine, D. R., Granger, N., & Chari, D. M. (2017). A fusion of minicircle DNA and nanoparticle delivery technologies facilitates therapeutic genetic engineering of autologous canine olfactory mucosal cells. Nanoscale, 9(25), 8560-8566.

Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) promote axonal regeneration and improve locomotor function when transplanted into the injured spinal cord. A recent clinical trial demonstrated improved motor function in domestic dogs with spinal injury following a... Read More about A fusion of minicircle DNA and nanoparticle delivery technologies facilitates therapeutic genetic engineering of autologous canine olfactory mucosal cells.

Owner perceptions of their cat's quality of life when treated with a modified University of Wisconsin-Madison protocol for lymphoma (2017)
Journal Article
Thornton, L. A., Cave, N. J., Bridges, J. P., & Stell, A. J. (2017). Owner perceptions of their cat's quality of life when treated with a modified University of Wisconsin-Madison protocol for lymphoma. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 20(4), 356-361.

The objectives of this study were to assess owner perceptions of their cat’s quality of life during treatment for lymphoma with a doxorubicin-containing multi-agent chemotherapy protocol, whether various health-related parameters correlated with qual... Read More about Owner perceptions of their cat's quality of life when treated with a modified University of Wisconsin-Madison protocol for lymphoma.

Working in Professional Teams (2017)
Book Chapter
Kinnison, T., Guile, D., & May, S. (2017). Working in Professional Teams. In Veterinary Medical Education: A Practical Guide. Wiley-Blackwell

Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic integration and modelling of florfenicol for the pig pneumonia pathogens Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida (2017)
Journal Article
Dorey, L., Pelligand, L., Cheng, Z. R., & Lees, P. (2017). Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic integration and modelling of florfenicol for the pig pneumonia pathogens Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida. PLoS ONE, 12(5), e0177568.

Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) integration and modelling were used to predict dosage schedules for florfenicol for two pig pneumonia pathogens, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida. Pharmacokinetic data were pooled for t... Read More about Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic integration and modelling of florfenicol for the pig pneumonia pathogens Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida.

Canine Brachycephaly Is Associated with a Retrotransposon-Mediated Missplicing of SMOC2 (2017)
Journal Article
Marchant, T. W., Johnson, E. J., McTeir, L., Johnson, C. I., Gow, A., Liuti, T., Kuehn, D., Svenson, K., Bermingham, M. L., Drögemüller, M., Nussbaumer, M., Davey, M. G., Argyle, D. J., Powell, R. M., Guilherme, S., Lang, J., Ter Haar, G., Leeb, T., Schwarz, T., Mellanby, R. J., …Schoenebeck, J. J. (2017). Canine Brachycephaly Is Associated with a Retrotransposon-Mediated Missplicing of SMOC2. Current Biology, 27(11), 1573-1584.

In morphological terms, “form” is used to describe an object’s shape and size. In dogs, facial form is stunningly diverse. Facial retrusion, the proximodistal shortening of the snout and widening of the hard palate is common to brachycephalic dogs an... Read More about Canine Brachycephaly Is Associated with a Retrotransposon-Mediated Missplicing of SMOC2.

Treatment of hemorrhagic hepatic cysts with omentalization in a serval. (2017)
Journal Article
Lafuente, M. P., Bachelez, A., Powers, M. Y., & Finch, M. P. (2017). Treatment of hemorrhagic hepatic cysts with omentalization in a serval. Open Veterinary Journal, 7(2), 139-142.

A 2 year old, spayed female African serval was evaluated for a history of abdominal distention. Physical examination findings were consistent with cranial abdominal masses and anemia. Abdominal imaging revealed soft tissue opacity masses in the crani... Read More about Treatment of hemorrhagic hepatic cysts with omentalization in a serval..

Intranasal Midazolam versus Rectal Diazepam for the Management of Canine Status Epilepticus: A Multicenter Randomized Parallel-Group Clinical Trial (2017)
Journal Article
Charalambous, M., Bhatti, S. F. M., Van Ham, L., Platt, S., Jeffery, N. D., Tipold, A., Siedenburg, J., Volk, H. A., Hasegawa, D., Gallucci, A., Gandini, G., Musteata, M., Ives, E., & Vanhaesebrouck, A. E. (2017). Intranasal Midazolam versus Rectal Diazepam for the Management of Canine Status Epilepticus: A Multicenter Randomized Parallel-Group Clinical Trial. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 31(4), 1149-1158.

Canine dystocia in 50 UK first-opinion emergency-care veterinary practices: prevalence and risk factors (2017)
Journal Article
O'Neill, D. G., O'Sullivan, A. M., Manson, E. A., Church, D. B., Boag, A. K., McGreevy, P. D., & Brodbelt, D. C. (2017). Canine dystocia in 50 UK first-opinion emergency-care veterinary practices: prevalence and risk factors. Veterinary Record, 181(4),

Dystocia can represent a major welfare issue for dogs of certain breeds and morphologies. First-opinion emergency-care veterinary caseloads represent a useful data resource for epidemiological research because dystocia can often result in emergency v... Read More about Canine dystocia in 50 UK first-opinion emergency-care veterinary practices: prevalence and risk factors.

Recommendations for approaches to meticillin-resistant staphylococcal infections of small animals: diagnosis, therapeutic considerations and preventative measures (2017)
Journal Article
Morris, D. O., Loeffler, A., Davis, M. F., Guardabassi, L., & Weese, J. S. (2017). Recommendations for approaches to meticillin-resistant staphylococcal infections of small animals: diagnosis, therapeutic considerations and preventative measures. Veterinary Dermatology, 28(3), 304.

The Big Pet Diabetes Survey: Perceived Frequency and Triggers for Euthanasia (2017)
Journal Article
Niessen, S. J. M., Hazuchova, K., Powney, S. L., Guitian, J., Niessen, A. P. M., Pion, P. D., Shaw, J. A., & Church, D. B. (2017). The Big Pet Diabetes Survey: Perceived Frequency and Triggers for Euthanasia. Veterinary Sciences, 4(2), 27.

Current pet diabetes mellitus (DM) treatment necessitates the active daily involvement of owners and can be costly. The current study aimed to investigate the owner population which opts for euthanasia instead of DM treatment. A survey was designed u... Read More about The Big Pet Diabetes Survey: Perceived Frequency and Triggers for Euthanasia.

The perception of cat stress by Italian owners (2017)
Journal Article
Mariti, C., Guerrini, F., Vallini, V., Bowen, J., Fatjó, J., Diverio, S., Sighieri, C., & Gazzano, A. (2017). The perception of cat stress by Italian owners. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 20, 74-81.

The welfare assessment of owned pet cats has been neglected in research. The aim of this study was to assess owners' perception and recognition of impaired welfare in their own cats. One hundred ninety-four cat owners were interviewed face-to-face by... Read More about The perception of cat stress by Italian owners.

Alterations in thoracolumbosacral movement when pain causing lameness has been improved by diagnostic analgesia (2017)
Journal Article
Greve, L., Dyson, S., & Pfau, T. (2017). Alterations in thoracolumbosacral movement when pain causing lameness has been improved by diagnostic analgesia. The Veterinary Journal, 224, 5-3.

Lameness, thoracolumbosacral pain and reduced range of motion (ROM) often coexist; better understanding of their relationship is needed. The objectives were to determine if thoracolumbosacral movement of horses changes when pain causing lameness is i... Read More about Alterations in thoracolumbosacral movement when pain causing lameness has been improved by diagnostic analgesia.

Clinical reasoning in feline epilepsy: Which combination of clinical information is useful? (2017)
Journal Article
Stanciu, G. D., Packer, R. M. A., Pakozdy, A., Solcan, G., & Volk, H. A. (2017). Clinical reasoning in feline epilepsy: Which combination of clinical information is useful?.

We sought to identify the association between clinical risk factors and the diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy (IE) or structural epilepsy (SE) in cats, using statistical models to identify combinations of discrete parameters from the patient signalmen... Read More about Clinical reasoning in feline epilepsy: Which combination of clinical information is useful?.

Natriuretic peptide activation of extracellular regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) pathway by particulate guanylyl cyclases in GH3 somatolactotropes (2017)
Journal Article
Jonas, K. C., Melrose, T., Thompson, I. R., Baxter, G. F., Lipscomb, V. J., Niessen, S. J. M., Lawson, C., McArdle, C. A., Roberson, M. S., McGonnell, I. M., Wheeler-Jones, C. P. D., & Fowkes, R. C. (2017). Natriuretic peptide activation of extracellular regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) pathway by particulate guanylyl cyclases in GH3 somatolactotropes. Cell and Tissue Research, 369(3), 567-578.

The natriuretic peptides, Atrial-, B-type and C-type natriuretric peptides (ANP, BNP, CNP), are regulators of many endocrine tissues and exert their effects predominantly through the activation of their specific guanylyl cyclase receptors (GC-A and G... Read More about Natriuretic peptide activation of extracellular regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) pathway by particulate guanylyl cyclases in GH3 somatolactotropes.