Bovine telomere dynamics and the association between telomere length and productive lifespan
Journal Article
Seeker, L. A., Ilska, J. J., Psifidi, A., Wilbourn, R., Underwood, S., Fairlie, J., Holland, R., Froy, H., Salvo-Chirnside, E., Bagnall, A., Whitelaw, C., Coffey, M., Nussey, D., & Banos, G. (2018). Bovine telomere dynamics and the association between telomere length and productive lifespan.
Average telomere length (TL) in blood cells has been shown to decline with age in a range of vertebrate species, and there is evidence that TL is a heritable trait associated with late-life health and mortality in humans. In non-human mammals, few st... Read More about Bovine telomere dynamics and the association between telomere length and productive lifespan.