Phenotypic and genetic variation in the response of chickens to Eimeria tenella induced coccidiosis
Journal Article
Boulton, K., Nolan, M. J., Wu, Z. G., Psifidi, A., Riggio, V., Harman, K., Bishop, S. C., Kaiser, P., Abrahamsen, M. S., Hawken, R., Watson, K. A., Tomley, F. M., Blake, D. P., & Hume, D. A. (in press). Phenotypic and genetic variation in the response of chickens to Eimeria tenella induced coccidiosis. Genetics Selection Evolution, 50(63),
All Outputs (44)
The Genomic Architecture of Fowl Typhoid Resistance in Commercial Layers
Journal Article
Psifidi, A., Russell, K. M., Matika, O., Sánchez-Molano, E., Wigley, P., Fulton, J. E., Stevens, M. P., & Fife, M. S. (in press). The Genomic Architecture of Fowl Typhoid Resistance in Commercial Layers. Frontiers in Genetics, 9, enterica serovar Gallinarum causes devastating outbreaks of fowl typhoid across the globe, especially in developing countries. With the use of antimicrobial agents being reduced due to legislation and the absence of licensed vaccines in so... Read More about The Genomic Architecture of Fowl Typhoid Resistance in Commercial Layers.
Illumina next generation sequencing for the analysis of Eimeria populations in commercial broilers and indigenous chickens
Journal Article
Hinsu, A. T., Thakkar, J. R., Koringa, P. G., Vrba, V., Jakhesara, S. J., Psifidi, A., Guitian, J., Tomley, F. M., Rank, D. N., Raman, M., Joshi, C. G., & Blake, D. P. (in press). Illumina next generation sequencing for the analysis of Eimeria populations in commercial broilers and indigenous chickens. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, species parasites can cause the enteric disease coccidiosis, most notably in chickens where the economic and welfare implications are significant. Seven Eimeria species are recognized to infect chickens, although understanding of their region... Read More about Illumina next generation sequencing for the analysis of Eimeria populations in commercial broilers and indigenous chickens.
PRNP genotyping in dairy sheep flocks: A sampling strategy for application in breeding programmes for scrapie eradication
Journal Article
Psifidi, A., Dovas, C. I., Eftimou, K., & Banos, G. PRNP genotyping in dairy sheep flocks: A sampling strategy for application in breeding programmes for scrapie eradication. Small Ruminant Research, 113(2-3), 335-339. PRNP genotyping, defined as mass ewe genotyping at flock level using bulk tank milk samples would facilitate selection programmes aiming at increasing genetic resistance to scrapie. The objective of this study was the application and evaluation... Read More about PRNP genotyping in dairy sheep flocks: A sampling strategy for application in breeding programmes for scrapie eradication.