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Outputs (172)

Pregabalin for the treatment of syringomyelia-associated neuropathic pain in dogs: A randomised, placebo-controlled, double-masked clinical trial (2019)
Journal Article
Sanchis-Mora, S., Chang, Y. M., Abeyesinghe, S. M., Fisher, A., Upton, N., Volk, H. A., & Pelligand, L. (2019). Pregabalin for the treatment of syringomyelia-associated neuropathic pain in dogs: A randomised, placebo-controlled, double-masked clinical trial.

Pregabalin is the first-line treatment for neuropathic pain (NeP) in humans. Dogs with Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia (CM/SM) associated with NeP could benefit from pregabalin. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of pregaba... Read More about Pregabalin for the treatment of syringomyelia-associated neuropathic pain in dogs: A randomised, placebo-controlled, double-masked clinical trial.

Comparison of the effects of high and low milk-replacer feeding regimens on health and growth of crossbred dairy heifers (2019)
Journal Article
Johnson, K. F., Vinod Nair, R., & Wathes, D. C. (2019). Comparison of the effects of high and low milk-replacer feeding regimens on health and growth of crossbred dairy heifers. Animal Production Science,

This study compared performance relating to the growth and health of calves receiving one of two commercial feeding regimens: High or Low.

Bilateral capital physeal dysplasia in a ferret (Mustela putorius furo) treated with femoral head ostectomy (2019)
Journal Article
Swaffield, M., Hedley, J., Stapleton, N., Priestnall, S. L., Suárez-Bonnet, A., & Baldrey, V. (2019). Bilateral capital physeal dysplasia in a ferret (Mustela putorius furo) treated with femoral head ostectomy. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine,

A six-month-old male entire ferret presented for investigation of atraumatic bilateral pelvic limb lameness. Radiographic and subsequent histopathological assessment of the femoral heads following bilateral femoral head ostectomy was consistent with... Read More about Bilateral capital physeal dysplasia in a ferret (Mustela putorius furo) treated with femoral head ostectomy.

Canine Ependymoma: Diagnostic Criteria and Common Pitfalls (2019)
Journal Article
Miller, A. D., Koehler, J. W., Donovan, T. A., Stewart, J. E., Porter, B. F., Rissi, D. R., Priestnall, S. L., & Schulman, F. Y. (2019). Canine Ependymoma: Diagnostic Criteria and Common Pitfalls. Veterinary Pathology, 56(6), 860-867.

Reports of canine ependymoma are generally restricted to single case reports with tumor incidence estimated at 2% to 3% of primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors. While most commonly reported in the lateral ventricle, tumors can occur anywhere i... Read More about Canine Ependymoma: Diagnostic Criteria and Common Pitfalls.

Transcriptional profiling unveils type I and II interferon networks in blood and tissues across diseases (2019)
Journal Article
Singhania, A., Graham, C. M., Gabryšová, L., Moreira-Teixeira, L., Stavropoulos, E., Pitt, J. M., Chakravarty, P., Warnatsch, A., Branchett, W. J., Conejero, L., Lin, J.-W., Davidson, S., Wilson, M. S., Bancroft, G., Langhorne, J., Frickel, E., Sesay, A. K., Priestnall, S. L., Herbert, E., Ioannou, M., …O’Garra, A. (2019). Transcriptional profiling unveils type I and II interferon networks in blood and tissues across diseases. Nature Communications, 10,

Understanding how immune challenges elicit different responses is critical for diagnosing and deciphering immune regulation. Using a modular strategy to interpret the complex transcriptional host response in mouse models of infection and inflammation... Read More about Transcriptional profiling unveils type I and II interferon networks in blood and tissues across diseases.

Managed trade: The US–Mexico sugar suspension agreements (2019)
Journal Article
Carter, C. A., Saitone, T. L., & Schaefer, K. A. (2019). Managed trade: The US–Mexico sugar suspension agreements. Canadian Journal of Economics,

Under the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement, Mexican sugar producers were ultimately granted free access to the US sugar market, while all other suppliers, including US refiners, were subject to supply quotas. Following a surge in imports of M... Read More about Managed trade: The US–Mexico sugar suspension agreements.

Pathotyping the Zoonotic Pathogen Streptococcus suis: Novel Genetic Markers To Differentiate Invasive Disease-Associated Isolates from Non-Disease-Associated Isolates from England and Wales (2019)
Journal Article
Wileman, T. M., Weinert, L. A., Howell, K. J., Wang, J., Peters, S. E., Williamson, S. M., Wells, J. M., Langford, P. R., Rycroft, A. N., Wren, B. W., Maskell, D. J., & Tucker, A. W. (2019). Pathotyping the Zoonotic Pathogen Streptococcus suis: Novel Genetic Markers To Differentiate Invasive Disease-Associated Isolates from Non-Disease-Associated Isolates from England and Wales. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 57, e01712.

Streptococcus suis is one of the most important zoonotic bacterial pathogens of pigs, causing significant economic losses to the global swine industry. S. suis is also a very successful colonizer of mucosal surfaces, and commensal strains can be foun... Read More about Pathotyping the Zoonotic Pathogen Streptococcus suis: Novel Genetic Markers To Differentiate Invasive Disease-Associated Isolates from Non-Disease-Associated Isolates from England and Wales.

A novel, high-sensitivity, bacteriophage-based assay identifies low level Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteraemia in immunocompetent patients with active and incipient tuberculosis (2019)
Journal Article
Verma, R., Swift, B. M. C., Handley-Hartill, W., Lee, J. K., Woltmann, G., Rees, C. E. D., & Haldar, P. (2019). A novel, high-sensitivity, bacteriophage-based assay identifies low level Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteraemia in immunocompetent patients with active and incipient tuberculosis. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 70(5), 933-936.

Haematogenous dissemination of M. tuberculosis (Mtb) is critical to pathogenesis of progressive tuberculous infection in animal models. Using a novel phage-based blood assay, we report the first concordant evidence in well-characterised immunocompete... Read More about A novel, high-sensitivity, bacteriophage-based assay identifies low level Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteraemia in immunocompetent patients with active and incipient tuberculosis.

Nonocular Melanocytic Neoplasia in Cats: Characterization and Proposal of a Histologic Classification Scheme to More Accurately Predict Clinical Outcome (2019)
Journal Article
Pittaway, R., Dobromylskyj, M. J., Erles, K., Pittaway, C. E., Suárez-Bonnet, A., Chang, Y. M., & Priestnall, S. L. (2019). Nonocular Melanocytic Neoplasia in Cats: Characterization and Proposal of a Histologic Classification Scheme to More Accurately Predict Clinical Outcome. Veterinary Pathology, 56(6), 868-877.

Nonocular melanocytic neoplasia is considered uncommon in cats yet is routinely encountered in diagnostic pathology and recognized to exhibit a wide variation in biological behavior. Accurate prediction of clinical outcomes is challenging with no wid... Read More about Nonocular Melanocytic Neoplasia in Cats: Characterization and Proposal of a Histologic Classification Scheme to More Accurately Predict Clinical Outcome.

Opportunistic bacteria and mass mortality in ungulates: lessons from an extreme event (2019)
Journal Article
Robinson, S., Milner-Gulland, E. J., Grachev, Y., Salemgareyev, A., Orynbayev, M., Morgan, E., Beauvais, W., Singh, N., Khomenko, S., Cammack, R., & Kock, R. A. (2019). Opportunistic bacteria and mass mortality in ungulates: lessons from an extreme event. Ecosphere, 10(6), e02671.

Mass mortality events in wildlife are a growing concern. Under conditions of rapid global change, opportunistic responses in bacterial commensals, triggered by environmental stressors, may be increasingly implicated in die‐offs. In 2015, over 200,000... Read More about Opportunistic bacteria and mass mortality in ungulates: lessons from an extreme event.