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Temporal changes in clinical and radiographic variables in dogs with preclinical myxomatous mitral valve disease: The EPIC study

Boswood, A; Gordon, S G; Häggström, J; Vanselow, M; Wess, G; Stepien, R L; Oyama, M A; Keene, B W; Bonagura, J; MacDonald, K A; Patteson, M; Smith, S; Fox, P R; Sanderson, K; Woolley, R; Szatmári, V; Menaut, P; Church, W M; O'Sullivan, M L; Jaudon, J-P; Kresken, J-G; Rush, J; Barrett, K A; Rosenthal, S L; Saunders, A B; Ljungvall, I; Deinert, M; Bomassi, E; Estrada, A H; Fernández-Del Palacio, M J; Moise, N S; Abbott, J A; Fujii, Y; Spier, A; Luethy, M W; Santilli, R A; Uechi, M; Tidholm, A; Schummer, C; Watson, P


A Boswood

S G Gordon

J Häggström

M Vanselow

G Wess

R L Stepien

M A Oyama

B W Keene

J Bonagura

K A MacDonald

M Patteson

S Smith

P R Fox

K Sanderson

R Woolley

V Szatmári

P Menaut

W M Church

M L O'Sullivan

J-P Jaudon

J-G Kresken

J Rush

K A Barrett

S L Rosenthal

A B Saunders

I Ljungvall

M Deinert

E Bomassi

A H Estrada

M J Fernández-Del Palacio

N S Moise

J A Abbott

Y Fujii

A Spier

M W Luethy

R A Santilli

M Uechi

A Tidholm

C Schummer

P Watson


The Evaluation of pimobendan in dogs with cardiomegaly caused by preclinical myxomatous mitral valve disease (EPIC) study monitored dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) as they developed congestive heart failure (CHF).


Boswood, A., Gordon, S. G., Häggström, J., Vanselow, M., Wess, G., Stepien, R. L., Oyama, M. A., Keene, B. W., Bonagura, J., MacDonald, K. A., Patteson, M., Smith, S., Fox, P. R., Sanderson, K., Woolley, R., Szatmári, V., Menaut, P., Church, W. M., O'Sullivan, M. L., Jaudon, J.-P., …Watson, P. (2020). Temporal changes in clinical and radiographic variables in dogs with preclinical myxomatous mitral valve disease: The EPIC study. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 27, 2020
Publication Date Mar 22, 2020
Deposit Date Mar 24, 2020
Publicly Available Date Mar 24, 2020
Journal Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Print ISSN 0891-6640
Electronic ISSN 1939-1676
Publisher Wiley Open Access
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Public URL
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