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Mammalian lectin arrays for screening host-microbe interactions

Jégouzo, S A F; Nelson, C; Hardwick, T; Wong, S T A; Lau, N K K; Neoh, G K E; Castellanos-Rueda, R; Huang, Z; Mignot, B; Hirdaramani, A; Howitt, A; Frewin, K; Shen, Z; Fox, R J; Wong, R; Ando, M; Emony, L; Zhu, H; Holder, A L; Werling, D; Krishnan, N; Robertson, B D; Clements, A; Taylor, M E; Drickamer, K


S A F Jégouzo

C Nelson

T Hardwick

S T A Wong

N K K Lau

G K E Neoh

R Castellanos-Rueda

Z Huang

B Mignot

A Hirdaramani

A Howitt

K Frewin

Z Shen

R J Fox

R Wong

M Ando

L Emony

H Zhu

A L Holder

D Werling

N Krishnan

B D Robertson

A Clements

M E Taylor

K Drickamer


Many members of the C-type lectin family of glycan-binding receptors have been ascribed roles in the recognition of microorganisms and serve as key receptors in the innate immune response to pathogens. Other mammalian receptors have become targets through which pathogens enter target cells. These receptor roles have often been documented with binding studies involving individual pairs of receptors and micro-organisms. To provide a systematic overview of interactions between microbes and the large complement of C-type lectins, here we developed a lectin array and suitable protocols for labeling of microbes that could be used to probe this array. The array contains C-type lectins from cow, chosen as a model organism of agricultural interest for which the relevant pathogen–receptor interactions have not been previously investigated in detail. Screening with yeast cells and various strains of both Gram-positive and -negative bacteria revealed distinct binding patterns, which in some cases could be explained by binding to lipo­poly­saccharides or capsular poly­saccharides, but in other cases suggested the presence of novel glycan targets on many of the microorganisms. These results are consistent with interactions previously ascribed to the receptors, but also highlight binding to additional sugar targets that have not previously been recognized. Our findings indicate that mammalian lectin arrays represent unique discovery tools for identifying both novel ligands and new receptor functions.


Jégouzo, S. A. F., Nelson, C., Hardwick, T., Wong, S. T. A., Lau, N. K. K., Neoh, G. K. E., Castellanos-Rueda, R., Huang, Z., Mignot, B., Hirdaramani, A., Howitt, A., Frewin, K., Shen, Z., Fox, R. J., Wong, R., Ando, M., Emony, L., Zhu, H., Holder, A. L., Werling, D., …Drickamer, K. (2020). Mammalian lectin arrays for screening host-microbe interactions. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 295(14), 4541-4555.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 24, 2020
Publication Date Feb 24, 2020
Deposit Date Mar 11, 2020
Publicly Available Date Mar 11, 2020
Print ISSN 0021-9258
Electronic ISSN 1083-351X
Publisher American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 295
Issue 14
Pages 4541-4555
Public URL


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