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Retrospective evaluation of the association between admission blood glucose and l-lactate concentrations in ponies and horses with gastrointestinal disease (2008-2016): 545 cases

Dunkel, B; Mason, C J; Chang, Y M


B Dunkel

C J Mason

Y M Chang


A recent study described increased l‐lactate concentrations in ponies with gastrointestinal disease compared to horses, but blood glucose (BG) concentrations were not considered. The study tested the hypothesis that BG and l‐lactate concentrations are correlated in horses and ponies with gastrointestinal disease and that BG concentrations, not equid type (pony vs horse), are an independent predictor of L‐lactate concentrations. It was further hypothesized that equid type was an independent predictor of BG concentrations.


Dunkel, B., Mason, C. J., & Chang, Y. M. (2019). Retrospective evaluation of the association between admission blood glucose and l-lactate concentrations in ponies and horses with gastrointestinal disease (2008-2016): 545 cases. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 1, 2017
Publication Date Jun 19, 2019
Deposit Date Jun 22, 2019
Publicly Available Date Jun 20, 2020
Journal Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
Print ISSN 1479-3261
Electronic ISSN 1476-4431
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Public URL


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