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Epidemiology, clinical management, and outcomes of dogs involved in road traffic accidents in the United Kingdom (2009–2014)

Harris, G L; Brodbelt, D C; Church, D B; Humm, K R; McGreevy, P D; Thomson, P C; O'Neill, D G


G L Harris

D C Brodbelt

D B Church

K R Humm

P D McGreevy

P C Thomson

D G O'Neill


Electronic patient records of dogs attending practices participating in the VetCompass Programme were assessed against selection criteria used to define RTA cases. Cases identified as RTAs were identified and manually verified to calculate prevalence. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression methods were used to evaluate associations between risk factors and RTA. The prevalence of RTA was 0.41%. Of the RTA cases, 615 (74.9%) were purebred, 322 (39.2%) were female, and 285 (54.8%) were insured. The median age at RTA was 2.5 years. After accounting for the effects of other factors, younger dogs had increased odds of an RTA event: dogs aged under 3 years showed 2.9 times the odds and dogs aged between 6–9 years showed 1.8 times the odds of an RTA event compared with dogs aged over 14 years. Males had 1.4 times the odds of an RTA event compared with females. Overall, 22.9% of cases died from a cause associated with RTA. Of dogs with information available, 34.0% underwent diagnostic imaging, 29.4% received intravenous fluid‐therapy, 71.1% received pain relief, 46.0% were hospitalized, and 15.6% had surgery performed under general anesthetic.


Harris, G. L., Brodbelt, D. C., Church, D. B., Humm, K. R., McGreevy, P. D., Thomson, P. C., & O'Neill, D. G. (2018). Epidemiology, clinical management, and outcomes of dogs involved in road traffic accidents in the United Kingdom (2009–2014). Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 28(2), 140-148.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 29, 2016
Publication Date Mar 6, 2018
Deposit Date Mar 21, 2018
Publicly Available Date Mar 6, 2019
Journal Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
Print ISSN 1479-3261
Electronic ISSN 1476-4431
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 28
Issue 2
Pages 140-148
Public URL


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