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Clinical signs, imaging findings, and outcome in twelve cats with internal ophthalmoparesis/ophthalmoplegia

Hamzianpour, N; Lam, R; Tetas, R; Beltran, E


N Hamzianpour

R Lam

R Tetas

E Beltran


Objective To retrospectively evaluate the clinical signs, imaging ?ndings, and outcomeof feline internal opht halmoparesis/ophthalmoplegia.Procedure Medical records were reviewed from 2008 to 2015. Inclusion criteriaincluded cats that presented with internal ophthalmoparesis/o phthalmoplegia, under-went diagnostic imaging, and had follow-up information available.Results Twelvecases of felineinternal ophthalmoparesis/ophthalmoplegia wereidenti?ed.Nine cats were unilaterally affected, and three cats were bilaterally affected. Affectedcats had a median age of 10.54 years (range 5.75 to 13.17), and both sexes of var yingbreeds were affected (nine males; three females). Clinical signs including abnormalmental status (n = 9; 75%) and additional neurologic abnor malities ( n = 10; 83%)were observed. Magnetic resonance imaging and/or compute d tomography (MRI/CT)of the head were performed in ten cats, revealing a mass lesion in all cases with vary-ing locations. Multicentric lymphoma was diagnosed in two cats via abdominal ultra-sound and cytology. All twelve cats were euthanized due to deterioration of clinicalsigns and/or quality-of-life concern s. Median time from diagnosis to euthana sia was3.5 days (range 0 to 80 days).Conclusions Feline internal ophthalmoparesis/ophthalmoplegia rarely presents as thesole clinical sign in a referral hospital. Advanced imaging (MRI/CT) may be necessaryto reach a de?nitive diagnosis in these cases. However, abdominal ultr asound wouldbe advocated in cats with systemic clinical signs as a less expensive and less invasivediagnostic test to further investigate the possible etiology of internal ophthalmopare-sis/ophthalmoplegia prior to advanced imaging. Feline cases with internal ophthalmo-paresis/ophthalmoplegia associated with other intracranial signs and/or systemicclinical signs have a poor prognosis.


Hamzianpour, N., Lam, R., Tetas, R., & Beltran, E. (2018). Clinical signs, imaging findings, and outcome in twelve cats with internal ophthalmoparesis/ophthalmoplegia. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 21(4), 382-390.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 20, 2017
Publication Date Jan 1, 2018
Deposit Date Aug 4, 2018
Publicly Available Date Aug 6, 2018
Journal Veterinary Ophthalmology
Print ISSN 1463-5216
Electronic ISSN 1463-5224
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 21
Issue 4
Pages 382-390
Public URL


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