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An insight into the heat and mass transfer mechanisms of eggshells hatching broiler chicks and its effects to the hatcher environment

Romanini, C E B; Exadaktylos, V; Hong, S W; Tong, Q; McGonnell, I M; Demmers, T G M; Bergoug, H; Guinebretiere, M; Eterradossi, N; Roulston, N; Verhelst, R; Bahr, C; Berckmans, D


C E B Romanini

V Exadaktylos

S W Hong

Q Tong

I M McGonnell

T G M Demmers

H Bergoug

M Guinebretiere

N Eterradossi

N Roulston

R Verhelst

C Bahr

D Berckmans


Romanini, C. E. B., Exadaktylos, V., Hong, S. W., Tong, Q., McGonnell, I. M., Demmers, T. G. M., Bergoug, H., Guinebretiere, M., Eterradossi, N., Roulston, N., Verhelst, R., Bahr, C., & Berckmans, D. An insight into the heat and mass transfer mechanisms of eggshells hatching broiler chicks and its effects to the hatcher environment. Journal of Thermal Biology, 48, 69-76.

Journal Article Type Article
Deposit Date May 16, 2015
Journal Journal of Thermal Biology
Print ISSN 0306-4565
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 48
Pages 69-76
Public URL