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All Outputs (220)

Characterisation of feline renal cortical fibroblast cultures and their transcriptional response to transforming growth factor beta 1 (2018)
Journal Article
Lawson, J. S., Syme, H. M., Wheeler-Jones, C. P. D., & Elliott, J. (2018). Characterisation of feline renal cortical fibroblast cultures and their transcriptional response to transforming growth factor beta 1. BMC Veterinary Research, 14, 76.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is common in geriatric cats, and the most prevalent pathology is chronic tubulointerstitial inflammation and fibrosis. The cell type predominantly responsible for the production of extra-cellular matrix in renal fibrosis... Read More about Characterisation of feline renal cortical fibroblast cultures and their transcriptional response to transforming growth factor beta 1.

Calcitonin Response to Naturally Occurring Ionized Hypercalcemia in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease (2018)
Journal Article
Van Den Broek, D. H. N., Geddes, R. F., Williams, T. L., Chang, Y. M., Elliott, J., & Jepson, R. E. (2018). Calcitonin Response to Naturally Occurring Ionized Hypercalcemia in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 32(2), 727-735.

Hypercalcemia is commonly associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in cats.

To explore the calcitonin response to naturally occurring ionized hypercalcemia in cats with azotemic CKD, and to assess the relationship of... Read More about Calcitonin Response to Naturally Occurring Ionized Hypercalcemia in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease.

Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the calcium sensing receptor and chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder in cats (2018)
Journal Article
Geddes, R. F., Jepson, R. E., Forcada, Y., Elliott, J., & Syme, H. M. (2018). Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the calcium sensing receptor and chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder in cats.

Feline chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with high variability in severity of CKD-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD). The calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) regulates circulating parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcium concentrations. Single nuc... Read More about Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the calcium sensing receptor and chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder in cats.

Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) concentrations in ponies measured by two different assays suggests seasonal cross reactivity or interference (2018)
Journal Article
Knowles, E. J., Moreton-Clack, M. C., Shaw, S., Harris, P. A., Elliott, J., & Menzies-Gow, N. J. (2018). Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) concentrations in ponies measured by two different assays suggests seasonal cross reactivity or interference. Equine Veterinary Journal, 50(5), 672-677.

Anti-nausea effects and pharmacokinetics of ondansetron, maropitant and metoclopramide in a low-dose cisplatin model of nausea and vomiting in the dog: a blinded crossover study (2017)
Journal Article
Kenward, H., Elliott, J., Lee, T., & Pelligand, L. (2017). Anti-nausea effects and pharmacokinetics of ondansetron, maropitant and metoclopramide in a low-dose cisplatin model of nausea and vomiting in the dog: a blinded crossover study. BMC Veterinary Research, 13(1), 244.

Nausea is a subjective sensation which is difficult to measure in non-verbal species. The aims of this study were to determine the efficacy of three classes of antiemetic drugs in a novel low dose cisplatin model of nausea and vomiting and measure ch... Read More about Anti-nausea effects and pharmacokinetics of ondansetron, maropitant and metoclopramide in a low-dose cisplatin model of nausea and vomiting in the dog: a blinded crossover study.

Investigation of the association between serum protein concentrations and concurrent chronic kidney disease in hyperthyroid cats (2017)
Journal Article
Williams, T. L., Elliott, J., Syme, H. M., & Archer, J. (2017). Investigation of the association between serum protein concentrations and concurrent chronic kidney disease in hyperthyroid cats. Research in Veterinary Science, 115, 412-417.

Our objective was to identify if changes in serum protein concentrations occur in hyperthyroidism and to assess their association with the development of azotaemia following treatment.

Initially non-azotaemic hyperthyroid cats and healthy older ca... Read More about Investigation of the association between serum protein concentrations and concurrent chronic kidney disease in hyperthyroid cats.

Treatment of dogs with compensated myxomatous mitral valve disease with spironolactone-a pilot study (2017)
Journal Article
Hezzell, M. J., Boswood, A., Lopez-Alvarez, J., Lotter, N. S., & Elliott, J. (2017). Treatment of dogs with compensated myxomatous mitral valve disease with spironolactone-a pilot study. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology, 19(4), 325-328.

Spironolactone improves outcome in dogs with advanced myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD). Its efficacy in preclinical MMVD is unknown. The hypothesis was the administration of spironolactone to dogs with compensated MMVD demonstrating risk factor... Read More about Treatment of dogs with compensated myxomatous mitral valve disease with spironolactone-a pilot study.

Breed, Coat Color, and Hair Length as Risk Factors for Hyperthyroidism in Cats (2017)
Journal Article
Crossley, V. J., Debnath, A., Chang, Y. M., Fowkes, R. C., Elliott, J., & Syme, H. M. (2017). Breed, Coat Color, and Hair Length as Risk Factors for Hyperthyroidism in Cats. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 31(4), 1028-1034.

Hyperthyroidism is very common in older cats, but the etiopathogenesis is poorly understood. Decreased risk of hyperthyroidism has been reported in certain colorpoint breeds, and this observation previously has been hypothesized to result from relati... Read More about Breed, Coat Color, and Hair Length as Risk Factors for Hyperthyroidism in Cats.

Plasma N-Terminal Probrain Natriuretic Peptide, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, and Cardiac Troponin I as Novel Biomarkers of Hypertensive Disease and Target Organ Damage in Cats (2017)
Journal Article
Bijsmans, E. S., Jepson, R. E., Wheeler, C., Syme, H. M., & Elliott, J. (2017). Plasma N-Terminal Probrain Natriuretic Peptide, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, and Cardiac Troponin I as Novel Biomarkers of Hypertensive Disease and Target Organ Damage in Cats. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 31(3), 650-660.

Modeling of Large Pharmacokinetic Data Using Nonlinear Mixed-Effects: A Paradigm Shift in Veterinary Pharmacology. A Case Study With Robenacoxib in Cats (2016)
Journal Article
Pelligand, L., Soubret, A., King, J. N., Elliott, J., & Mochel, J. P. (2016). Modeling of Large Pharmacokinetic Data Using Nonlinear Mixed-Effects: A Paradigm Shift in Veterinary Pharmacology. A Case Study With Robenacoxib in Cats.

The objective of this study was to model the pharmacokinetics (PKs) of robenacoxib in cats using a nonlinear mixed‐effects (NLME) approach, leveraging all available information collected from cats receiving robenacoxib s.c. and/or i.v.: 47 densely sa... Read More about Modeling of Large Pharmacokinetic Data Using Nonlinear Mixed-Effects: A Paradigm Shift in Veterinary Pharmacology. A Case Study With Robenacoxib in Cats.

Factors influencing the relationship between the dose of amlodipine required for blood pressure control and change in blood pressure in hypertensive cats (2016)
Journal Article
Bijsmans, E. S., Doig, M., Jepson, R. E., Syme, H. M., Elliott, J., & Pelligand, L. (2016). Factors influencing the relationship between the dose of amlodipine required for blood pressure control and change in blood pressure in hypertensive cats. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 30(5), 1630-1636.

Use of the oral sugar test in ponies when performed with or without prior fasting (2016)
Journal Article
Knowles, E. J., Harris, P. A., Elliott, J., & Menzies-Gow, N. J. (2016). Use of the oral sugar test in ponies when performed with or without prior fasting. Equine Veterinary Journal, 49, 519-524.

It is recommended that the Oral Sugar Test (OST) for insulin dysregulation (ID) is performed after an overnight fast but fasting is impractical in ponies kept solely at pasture. There are few data on OST repeatability and reliability in p... Read More about Use of the oral sugar test in ponies when performed with or without prior fasting.