Spatial distribution and risk factors for human cysticercosis in Colombia
Journal Article
Galipó, E., Dixon, M. A., Fronterrè, C., Cucunubá, Z. M., Basáñez, M.-G., Stevens, K., Flórez Sánchez, A. C., & Walker, M. (2021). Spatial distribution and risk factors for human cysticercosis in Colombia. Parasites and Vectors, 14(1),
All Outputs (57)
Surveillance and control of SARS-CoV-2 in mustelids: An evolutionary perspective (2021)
Journal Article
Diaz, A., Walker, M., & Webster, J. (2021). Surveillance and control of SARS-CoV-2 in mustelids: An evolutionary perspective. Evolutionary Applications, relevance of mustelids in SARS-CoV-2 transmission has become increasingly evident. Alongside experimental demonstration of airborne transmission among ferrets, the major animal model for human respiratory diseases, transmission of SARS-CoV-2 with... Read More about Surveillance and control of SARS-CoV-2 in mustelids: An evolutionary perspective.
Individual responses to a single oral dose of albendazole indicate reduced efficacy against soil-transmitted helminths in an area with high drug pressure (2021)
Journal Article
Walker, M., Cools, P., Albonico, M., Ame, S. M., Ayana, M., Dana, D., Keiser, J., Matoso, L. F., Montresor, A., Mekonnen, Z., Corrêa-Oliveira, R., Pinto, S. A., Sayasone, S., Vercruysse, J., Vlaminck, J., & Levecke, B. (in press). Individual responses to a single oral dose of albendazole indicate reduced efficacy against soil-transmitted helminths in an area with high drug pressure. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15(10), e0009888.
Revisiting density-dependent fecundity in schistosomes using sibship reconstruction (2021)
Journal Article
Neves, M. I., Gower, C. M., Webster, J. P., & Walker, M. (in press). Revisiting density-dependent fecundity in schistosomes using sibship reconstruction. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15(5), e0009396.
Supporting Drug Development for Neglected Tropical Diseases Using Mathematical Modeling (2021)
Journal Article
Walker, M., Hamley, J. I. D., Milton, P., Monnot, F., Kinrade, S., Specht, S., Pedrique, B., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2021). Supporting Drug Development for Neglected Tropical Diseases Using Mathematical Modeling. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73(6), e1391-e1396.
Force-of-infection of Taenia solium porcine cysticercosis: a modelling analysis to assess global incidence and prevalence trends (2020)
Journal Article
Dixon, M. A., Winskill, P., Harrison, W. E., Whittaker, C., Schmidt, V., Sarti, E., Bawm, S., Dione, M. M., Thomas, L. F., Walker, M., & Basáñez, M. G. (2020). Force-of-infection of Taenia solium porcine cysticercosis: a modelling analysis to assess global incidence and prevalence trends. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 17637Abstract: The World Health Organization (WHO) called, in 2012, for a validated strategy towards Taenia solium taeniasis/cysticercosis control and elimination. Estimating pig force-of-infection (FoI, the average rate at which susceptible pigs become i... Read More about Force-of-infection of Taenia solium porcine cysticercosis: a modelling analysis to assess global incidence and prevalence trends.
Predicted Impact of COVID-19 on Neglected Tropical Disease Programs and the Opportunity for Innovation (2020)
Journal Article
Toor, J., Adams, E. R., Aliee, M., Amoah, B., Anderson, R. M., Ayabina, D., Bailey, R., Basáñez, M. G., Blok, D. J., Blumberg, S., Borlase, A., Rivera, R. C., Castaño, M. S., Chitnis, N., Coffeng, L. E., Crump, R. E., Das, A., Davis, C. N., Davis, E. L., Deiner, M. S., …Hollingsworth, T. D. (2020). Predicted Impact of COVID-19 on Neglected Tropical Disease Programs and the Opportunity for Innovation. Clinical Infectious Diseases, Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many key neglected tropical disease (NTD) activities have been postponed. This hindrance comes at a time when the NTDs are progressing towards their ambitious goals for 2030. Mathematical modelling on several NT... Read More about Predicted Impact of COVID-19 on Neglected Tropical Disease Programs and the Opportunity for Innovation.
Designing antifilarial drug trials using clinical trial simulators (2020)
Journal Article
Walker, M., Hamley, J., Milton, P., Monnot, F., Pedrique, B., & Basáñez, M. (2020). Designing antifilarial drug trials using clinical trial simulators. Nature Communications, 11(1), filariasis and onchocerciasis are neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) targeted for elimination by mass (antifilarial) drug administration. These drugs are predominantly active against the microfilarial progeny of adult worms. New drugs or co... Read More about Designing antifilarial drug trials using clinical trial simulators.
Parasite Population Genetic Contributions to the Schistosomiasis Consortium for Operational Research and Evaluation within Sub-Saharan Africa (2020)
Journal Article
Webster, J. P., Neves, M. I., Webster, B. L., Pennance, T., Rabone, M., Gouvras, A. N., Allan, F., Walker, M., & Rollinson, D. (2020). Parasite Population Genetic Contributions to the Schistosomiasis Consortium for Operational Research and Evaluation within Sub-Saharan Africa. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, of the population genetic structure of schistosomes under the “Schistosomiasis Consortium for Operational Research and Evaluation” (SCORE) contrasting treatment pressure scenarios in Tanzania, Niger, and Zanzibar were performed to provide su... Read More about Parasite Population Genetic Contributions to the Schistosomiasis Consortium for Operational Research and Evaluation within Sub-Saharan Africa.
Toward Improving Interventions Against Toxoplasmosis by Identifying Routes of Transmission Using Sporozoite- specific Serological Tools (2020)
Journal Article
Walker, M., Webster, J. P., & Milne, G. (2020). Toward Improving Interventions Against Toxoplasmosis by Identifying Routes of Transmission Using Sporozoite- specific Serological Tools. Clinical Infectious Diseases, Horizontal transmission of Toxoplasma gondii occurs primarily via ingestion of environmental oocysts or con- sumption of undercooked/raw meat containing cyst-stage bradyzoites. The relative importance of these 2 transmission routes remain... Read More about Toward Improving Interventions Against Toxoplasmosis by Identifying Routes of Transmission Using Sporozoite- specific Serological Tools.
Modelling for policy: The five principles of the Neglected Tropical Diseases Modelling Consortium (2020)
Journal Article
Blanton, J., Behrend, M. R., Basáñez, M.-G., Hamley, J. I. D., Porco, T. C., Stolk, W. A., Walker, M., & de Vlas, S. J. (2020). Modelling for policy: The five principles of the Neglected Tropical Diseases Modelling Consortium. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14(4), e0008033
Structural Uncertainty in Onchocerciasis Transmission Models Influences the Estimation of Elimination Thresholds and Selection of Age Groups for Seromonitoring (2020)
Journal Article
Hamley, J. I. D., Walker, M., Coffeng, C. E., Milton, P., De Vlas, S. J., Stolk, W. A., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2020). Structural Uncertainty in Onchocerciasis Transmission Models Influences the Estimation of Elimination Thresholds and Selection of Age Groups for Seromonitoring. Journal of Infectious Diseases,
Serological Evaluation of Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination in the Bakoye and Falémé foci, Mali (2020)
Journal Article
Basáñez, M.-G., Walker, M., Nutman, T. B., Colebunders, R., Diarra, D., Coulibaly, M. E., Soumaoro, L., Diallo, A. A., Dicko, I., Sangare, M. B., Coulibaly, S. Y., Doumbia, S. S., Dembélé, M., Sow, M., Coulibaly, Y. I., & Dolo, H. (2020). Serological Evaluation of Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination in the Bakoye and Falémé foci, Mali. Clinical Infectious Diseases, Mali, ivermectin-based onchocerciasis elimination from the Bakoye and Falémé foci, reported in 2009–2012, was a beacon leading to policy shifting from morbidity control to elimination of transmission (EOT). These foci are also endemic for lymphati... Read More about Serological Evaluation of Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination in the Bakoye and Falémé foci, Mali.
Situation analysis of onchocerciasis in Cameroon: a protocol for systematic review of epidemiological studies and impact of disease control interventions (2020)
Journal Article
Nana-Djeunga, H. C., Domche, A., Niamsi-Emalio, Y., Moungui, H. C., Walker, M., Basáñez, M.-G., & Kamgno, J. (2020). Situation analysis of onchocerciasis in Cameroon: a protocol for systematic review of epidemiological studies and impact of disease control interventions. Systematic Reviews, 9(27),
Sea lice exposure to non-lethal levels of emamectin benzoate after treatments: a potential risk factor for drug resistance (2020)
Journal Article
Lam, C. T., Rosanowski, S. M., Walker, M., & St-Hilaire, S. (2020). Sea lice exposure to non-lethal levels of emamectin benzoate after treatments: a potential risk factor for drug resistance. avermectin derivative emamectin benzoate (EMB) has been widely used by salmon industries around the world to control sea lice infestations. Resistance to this anti-parasitic drug is also commonly reported in these industries. The objective of thi... Read More about Sea lice exposure to non-lethal levels of emamectin benzoate after treatments: a potential risk factor for drug resistance.
Schistosomiasis — Assessing Progress toward the 2020 and 2025 Global Goals (2019)
Journal Article
Deol, A. K., Fleming, F. M., Calvo-Urbano, B., Walker, M., Bucumi, V., Gnandou, I., Tukahebwa, E. M., Jemu, S., Mwingira, U. J., Alkohlani, A., Traoré, M., Ruberanziza, E., Touré, S., Basáñez, M.-G., French, M. D., & Webster, J. P. (2019). Schistosomiasis — Assessing Progress toward the 2020 and 2025 Global Goals. New England Journal of Medicine, 381, 2519-2528.
Modelling exposure heterogeneity and density dependence in onchocerciasis using a novel individual-based transmission model, EPIONCHO-IBM: implications for elimination and data needs (2019)
Journal Article
Hamley, J. I. D., Milton, P., Walker, M., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2019). Modelling exposure heterogeneity and density dependence in onchocerciasis using a novel individual-based transmission model, EPIONCHO-IBM: implications for elimination and data needs. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 13(12),
Atypical Clinical Manifestations of Loiasis and Their Relevance for Endemic Populations (2019)
Journal Article
Buell, K. G., Whittaker, C., Chesnais, C. B., Jewell, P. D., Pion, S. D. S., Walker, M., Basáñez, M. G., & Boussinesq, M. (2019). Atypical Clinical Manifestations of Loiasis and Their Relevance for Endemic Populations.
Economic evaluations of onchocerciasis interventions: a systematic review and research needs (2019)
Journal Article
Turner, H. C., Walker, M., Pion, S. D. S., McFarland, D. A., Bundy, D. A. P., & Basáñez, M.-G. (2019). Economic evaluations of onchocerciasis interventions: a systematic review and research needs. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 24(7), 788-816.
The transmission dynamics of Campylobacter jejuni among broilers in semi-commercial farms in Jordan (2019)
Journal Article
Neves, M. I., Malkawi, I., Walker, M., Alaboudi, A., Abu-Basha, E., Blake, D. P., Guitian, J., & Crotta, M. (2019). The transmission dynamics of Campylobacter jejuni among broilers in semi-commercial farms in Jordan. Epidemiology and Infection, 147, E134. is the leading cause of foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis in humans worldwide, often associated with the consumption of undercooked poultry. In Jordan, the majority of broiler chicken production occurs in semi-commercial farms, where... Read More about The transmission dynamics of Campylobacter jejuni among broilers in semi-commercial farms in Jordan.