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Can AI imaging technology be used for monitoring specific behaviours in broiler flocks (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Demmers, T. (2022, August). Can AI imaging technology be used for monitoring specific behaviours in broiler flocks. Presented at 10th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (ECPLF22), University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna

Commercial poultry production, e.g. optimum bird growth, requires an optimally controlled environment, which is currently based upon temperature, humidity, CO2 and air pressure, whilst water and feed consumption are also measured.
PLF systems exist... Read More about Can AI imaging technology be used for monitoring specific behaviours in broiler flocks.

238 ECPLF Demmers 2022 Final Version After Review (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Demmers, T. (2022, August). 238 ECPLF Demmers 2022 Final Version After Review. Presented at 10th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien, Austria

The Chinese poultry industry continues to use cages for growing both broiler and layer chickens in most commercial facilities with no plans to ban their use in the immediate future. In contrast, cages have been banned and are being phased out in Euro... Read More about 238 ECPLF Demmers 2022 Final Version After Review.

Locating a novel autosomal recessive genetic variant in the cattle glucokinase gene using only WGS data from three cases and six carriers (2022)
Journal Article
Pollott, G. E., Piercy, R. J., Massey, C., Salavati, M., Cheng, Z., & Wathes, D. C. (2022). Locating a novel autosomal recessive genetic variant in the cattle glucokinase gene using only WGS data from three cases and six carriers. Frontiers in Genetics, 13, 14.

New Mendelian genetic conditions, which adversely affect livestock, arise all the time. To manage them effectively, some methods need to be devised that are quick and accurate. Until recently, finding the causal genomic site of a new autosomal recess... Read More about Locating a novel autosomal recessive genetic variant in the cattle glucokinase gene using only WGS data from three cases and six carriers.

Controlled feeding experiments with juvenile alligators reveal microscopic dental wear texture patterns associated with hard-object feeding (2022)
Journal Article
Winkler, D., Iijima, M., Blob, R., Kubo, T., & Kubo, M. (2022). Controlled feeding experiments with juvenile alligators reveal microscopic dental wear texture patterns associated with hard-object feeding. Frontiers in Ecology Evolution, 10,

Dental wear analyses are classically applied to mammals because they have evolved heterodont dentitions for sophisticated mastication. Recently, several studies have shown a correlation between pre-assigned and analytically inferred diet preferences... Read More about Controlled feeding experiments with juvenile alligators reveal microscopic dental wear texture patterns associated with hard-object feeding.

East Coast fever, a neglected tropical disease with an outdated vaccine approach? (2022)
Journal Article
Kolakowski, J., Connelley, T., Lukacik, P., Pfuhl, M., & Werling, D. (2022). East Coast fever, a neglected tropical disease with an outdated vaccine approach?. Trends in Parasitology, 38(11), 930-932.

Since its discovery, bovine theileriosis has caused major socioeconomic losses in sub-Saharan Africa. Acaricide resistance of the intermediate host, paucity of therapeutics, and lack of sufficiently cross-protective vaccines increase the risk of para... Read More about East Coast fever, a neglected tropical disease with an outdated vaccine approach?.

Evolutionary features of a prolific subtype of avian influenza A virus in European waterfowl (2022)
Journal Article
Wille, M., Tolf, C., Latorre-Margalef, N., Fouchier, R., Halpin, R., Wentworth, D., Ragwani, J., Pybus, O., Olsen, B., & Waldenstrom, J. (2022). Evolutionary features of a prolific subtype of avian influenza A virus in European waterfowl. Virus Evolution, 8(2),

Avian influenza A virus (AIV) is ubiquitous in waterfowl and is detected annually at high prevalence in waterfowl during the Northern Hemisphere autumn. Some AIV subtypes are globally common in waterfowl, such as H3N8, H4N6, and H6N2, and are detecte... Read More about Evolutionary features of a prolific subtype of avian influenza A virus in European waterfowl.

The origins and molecular evolution of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in the UK (2022)
Journal Article
Hill, V., Du Plessis, L., Peacock, T., Aggarwal, D., Colquhoun, R., Carabelli, A., Ellaby, N., Gallagher, E., Groves, N., Jackson, B., McCrone, J., O'Toole, A., Price, A., Sanderson, T., Scher, E., Southgate, J., Volz, E., Barclay, W., Barrett, J., Chand, M., …Rambaut, A. (2022). The origins and molecular evolution of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in the UK. Virus Evolution, 8(2),

The first SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern (VOC) to be designated was lineage B.1.1.7, later labelled by the World Health Organization as Alpha. Originating in early autumn but discovered in December 2020, it spread rapidly and caused large waves of inf... Read More about The origins and molecular evolution of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in the UK.

Designing a Multi-Epitope Vaccine against Toxoplasma gondii: An Immunoinformatics Approach (2022)
Journal Article
Hammed-Akanmu, M., Mim, M., Osman, A., Sheikh, A., Behmard, E., Rabaan, A., Suppain, R., & Hajissa, K. (2022). Designing a Multi-Epitope Vaccine against Toxoplasma gondii: An Immunoinformatics Approach. Vaccines, 10(9),

Infection with the intracellular apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii causes serious clinical outcomes in both human and veterinary settings worldwide. Although approximately onethird of the world's population is infected with T. gondii, an effect... Read More about Designing a Multi-Epitope Vaccine against Toxoplasma gondii: An Immunoinformatics Approach.

A threat from both sides: Multiple introductions of genetically distinct H5 HPAI viruses into Canada via both East Asia-Australasia/Pacific and Atlantic flyways (2022)
Journal Article
Alkie, T., Lopes, S., Hisanaga, T., Xu, W., Suderman, M., Koziuk, J., Fisher, M., Redford, T., Lung, O., Joseph, T., Himsworth, C., Brown, I., Bowes, V., Lewis, N., & Berhane, Y. (2022). A threat from both sides: Multiple introductions of genetically distinct H5 HPAI viruses into Canada via both East Asia-Australasia/Pacific and Atlantic flyways. Virus Evolution, 8(2),

From 2016 to 2020, high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H5 viruses circulated in Asia, Europe, and Africa, causing waves of infections and the deaths of millions of wild and domestic birds and presenting a zoonotic risk. In late 2021, H5N1 HPAI... Read More about A threat from both sides: Multiple introductions of genetically distinct H5 HPAI viruses into Canada via both East Asia-Australasia/Pacific and Atlantic flyways.

The nose is not enough: Multi-site sampling is best for MRSP detection in dogs and households (2022)
Journal Article
Frosini, S.-M., Bond, R., King, R. H., & Loeffler, A. (2022). The nose is not enough: Multi-site sampling is best for MRSP detection in dogs and households. Veterinary Dermatology,

Background: Following recovery from meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) infection of any type, dogs may continue to carry MRSP asymptomatically on skin and mucosae, contributing to the spread of this multidrug-resistant, veter... Read More about The nose is not enough: Multi-site sampling is best for MRSP detection in dogs and households.

Auditory sensory range of male mosquitoes for the detection of female flight sound (2022)
Journal Article
Nakata, T., Simoes, P., Walker, S., Russell, I., & Bomphrey, R. (2022). Auditory sensory range of male mosquitoes for the detection of female flight sound. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 19(193),

Male mosquitoes detect and localize conspecific females by their flight-tones using the Johnston's organ (JO), which detects antennal deflections under the influence of local particle motion. Acoustic behaviours of mosquitoes and their JO physiology... Read More about Auditory sensory range of male mosquitoes for the detection of female flight sound.

Conservation translocations from the ‘Global Reintroduction Perspectives’ series: Disease and other biological problems (2022)
Journal Article
Beckmann, K. M., & Soorae, P. S. (2022). Conservation translocations from the ‘Global Reintroduction Perspectives’ series: Disease and other biological problems. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(3),

1. Conservation translocations, defined as population reinforcement, reintroduction, assisted colonisation or ecological replacement, have become a popular tool in efforts to restore wildlife populations and their wider ecosystems. Given that conserv... Read More about Conservation translocations from the ‘Global Reintroduction Perspectives’ series: Disease and other biological problems.

Contrasting long-term dynamics of antimicrobial resistance and virulence plasmids in Salmonella Typhimurium from animals (2022)
Journal Article
Mellor, K., Blackwell, G., Cawthraw, S., Mensah, N., Reid, S., Thomson, N., Petrovska, L., & Mather, A. (2022). Contrasting long-term dynamics of antimicrobial resistance and virulence plasmids in Salmonella Typhimurium from animals. Microbial Genomics, 8(8),

Plasmids are mobile elements that can carry genes encoding traits of clinical concern, including antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and virulence. Population--level studies of Enterobacterales, including Escherichia coli, Shigella and Klebsiella, indicat... Read More about Contrasting long-term dynamics of antimicrobial resistance and virulence plasmids in Salmonella Typhimurium from animals.

Genetic parameters and genome-wide association study of digital cushion thickness in Holstein cows (2022)
Journal Article
Barden, M., Li, B., Griffiths, B., Anagnostopoulos, A., Bedford, C., Psifidi, A., Banos, G., & Oikonomou, G. (2022). Genetic parameters and genome-wide association study of digital cushion thickness in Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(10), 8237-8256.

The digital cushion is linked to the development of claw horn lesions (CHL) in dairy cattle. The objectives of this study were to (1) estimate genetic parameters for digital cushion thickness (DCT), (2) estimate the genetic correlation between DCT an... Read More about Genetic parameters and genome-wide association study of digital cushion thickness in Holstein cows.

Hoof Impact and Foot-Off Accelerations in Galloping Thoroughbred Racehorses Trialling Eight Shoe-Surface Combinations (2022)
Journal Article
Horan, K., Coburn, J., Kourdache, K., Day, P., Carnall, H., Brinkley, L., Harborne, D., Hammond, L., Peterson, M., Millard, S., & Pfau, T. (2022). Hoof Impact and Foot-Off Accelerations in Galloping Thoroughbred Racehorses Trialling Eight Shoe-Surface Combinations. Animals, 12(17),

Simple Summary To achieve optimal performance and low injury occurrence in horse racing, it is important to understand hoof-surface interactions. This study measured hoof accelerations in retired Thoroughbred racehorses as they galloped over turf and... Read More about Hoof Impact and Foot-Off Accelerations in Galloping Thoroughbred Racehorses Trialling Eight Shoe-Surface Combinations.

BDNF-dependent modulation of axonal transport is selectively impaired in ALS (2022)
Journal Article
Tosolini, A., Sleigh, J., Surana, S., Rhymes, E., Cahalan, S. D., & Schiavo, G. (2022). BDNF-dependent modulation of axonal transport is selectively impaired in ALS. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 10(1),

Axonal transport ensures long-range delivery of essential cargoes between proximal and distal compartments, and is needed for neuronal development, function, and survival. Deficits in axonal transport have been detected at pre-symptomatic stages in t... Read More about BDNF-dependent modulation of axonal transport is selectively impaired in ALS.

Transcriptomic analysis of circulating leukocytes obtained during the recovery from clinical mastitis caused by Escherichia coli in Holstein dairy cows (2022)
Journal Article
Cheng, Z., Palma-Vera, S., Buggiotti, L., Salavati, M., Becker, F., Werling, D., Wathes, D. C., & consortium, G. (in press). Transcriptomic analysis of circulating leukocytes obtained during the recovery from clinical mastitis caused by Escherichia coli in Holstein dairy cows. Animals, 12(16), 2146.

The risk and severity of clinical infection with Escherichia coli as a causative pathogen for bovine mastitis is influenced by the hosts’ phenotypic and genotypic variables. We used RNA-Seq analysis of circulating leukocytes to investigate global tra... Read More about Transcriptomic analysis of circulating leukocytes obtained during the recovery from clinical mastitis caused by Escherichia coli in Holstein dairy cows.

Constraining pterosaur launch: range of motion in the pectoral and pelvic girdles of a medium-sized ornithocheiraean pterosaur (2022)
Journal Article
Griffin, B., Martin-Silverstone, E., Demuth, O., Pegas, R., Palmer, C., & Rayfield, E. (2022). Constraining pterosaur launch: range of motion in the pectoral and pelvic girdles of a medium-sized ornithocheiraean pterosaur. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 137(2), 250-266.

Launch is the most energetically expensive part of flight and is considered a limiting factor in the size of modern flyers. Pterosaurs reached significantly larger sizes than modern flyers and are proposed to have launched either bipedallly or quadru... Read More about Constraining pterosaur launch: range of motion in the pectoral and pelvic girdles of a medium-sized ornithocheiraean pterosaur.

Global variation in force-of-infection trends for human Taenia solium taeniasis/cysticercosis (2022)
Journal Article
Dixon, M., Winskill, P., Harrison, W., Whittaker, C., Schmidt, V., Sanchez, A., Cucunuba, Z., Edia-Asuke, A., Walker, M., & Basanez, M. (2022). Global variation in force-of-infection trends for human Taenia solium taeniasis/cysticercosis. eLife, 11,

Infection by Taenia solium poses a major burden across endemic countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) 2021-2030 Neglected Tropical Diseases roadmap has proposed that 30% of endemic countries achieve intensified T. solium control in hyperendem... Read More about Global variation in force-of-infection trends for human Taenia solium taeniasis/cysticercosis.