Pilot study of head conformation changes over time in the Cavalier King Charles spaniel breed
Journal Article
Knowler, S. P., Gillstedt, L., Mitchell, T. J., Jovanovik, J., Volk, H. A., & Rusbridge, C. (2019). Pilot study of head conformation changes over time in the Cavalier King Charles spaniel breed. Veterinary Record, 184(4), https://doi.org/10.1136/vr.105135
Modern interpretation of head conformation in the Cavalier King Charles spaniel (CKCS) has favoured a smaller, more exaggerated, brachycephalic type than originally described in the 1929 breed standard. Recent research studies identified brachycephal... Read More about Pilot study of head conformation changes over time in the Cavalier King Charles spaniel breed.