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Antimicrobial resistance in plant endophytes associated with poultry-manure application revealed by selective culture and whole genome sequencing (2024)
Journal Article
Tripathi, A., Jaiswal, A., Kumar, D., Chavda, P., Pandit, R., Joshi, M., Blake, D., Tomley, F., Joshi, C., & Dubey, S. (2024). Antimicrobial resistance in plant endophytes associated with poultry-manure application revealed by selective culture and whole genome sequencing. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 480,

Poultry manure is widely used as organic fertilizer in agriculture during the cultivation of crops, but the persistent high-level use of antibiotics in poultry production has raised concerns about the selection for reservoirs of antimicrobial resista... Read More about Antimicrobial resistance in plant endophytes associated with poultry-manure application revealed by selective culture and whole genome sequencing.

Multi-omics analysis reveals regime shifts in the gastrointestinal ecosystem in chickens following anticoccidial vaccination and Eimeria tenella challenge (2024)
Journal Article
Liu, P.-Y., Liaw, J., Soutter, F., Ortiz, J. J., Tomley, F. M., Werling, D., Gundogdu, O., Blake, D. P., & Xia, D. (in press). Multi-omics analysis reveals regime shifts in the gastrointestinal ecosystem in chickens following anticoccidial vaccination and Eimeria tenella challenge. mSystems,

Antimicrobial residues in meat from chickens in Northeast Vietnam: analytical validation and pilot study for sampling optimisation (2024)
Journal Article
Pelligand, L., Hedges, S., Cheng, L., Seow, K., Thi, T. H., Huong, L. Q., Son, D. T., Thanh, H. P. T., Cheah, Y. C., Wang, Y., Hurtaud-Pessel, D., Conan, A., Fournié, G., Blake, D., & Tomley, F. (2024). Antimicrobial residues in meat from chickens in Northeast Vietnam: analytical validation and pilot study for sampling optimisation. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit,

Antimicrobials used in chicken farming for therapeutic and/or prophylactic purposes may result in unacceptable levels of edible residues, if withdrawal periods are not respected. To evaluate the risk in Vietnam, we validated an analytical methods to... Read More about Antimicrobial residues in meat from chickens in Northeast Vietnam: analytical validation and pilot study for sampling optimisation.

Chicken caecal enterotypes in indigenous Kadaknath and commercial Cobb chicken lines are associated with Campylobacter abundance and influenced by farming practices (2023)
Journal Article
Hay, M. C., Hinsu, A. T., Koringa, P. G., Pandit, R. J., Liu, P.-Y., Parekh, M. J., Jakhesara, S. J., Dai, X., Crotta, M., Fosso, B., Limon, G., Guitian, J., Tomley, F. M., Xia, D., Psifidi, A., Joshi, C. G., & Blake, D. P. (2023). Chicken caecal enterotypes in indigenous Kadaknath and commercial Cobb chicken lines are associated with Campylobacter abundance and influenced by farming practices. Frontiers in Microbiomes,

Resistome profiling reveals transmission dynamics of antimicrobial resistance genes from poultry litter to soil and plant (2023)
Journal Article
Tripathi, A., Kumar, D., Chavda, P., Rathore, D., Pandit, R., Blake, D., Tomley, F., Joshi, M., Joshi, C., & Dubey, S. (2023). Resistome profiling reveals transmission dynamics of antimicrobial resistance genes from poultry litter to soil and plant. Environmental Pollution, 327,

Poultry farming is a major livelihood in South and Southeast Asian economies where it is undergoing rapid intensification to meet the growing human demand for dietary protein. Intensification of poultry production systems is commonly supported by inc... Read More about Resistome profiling reveals transmission dynamics of antimicrobial resistance genes from poultry litter to soil and plant.

Antibiotic usage practices and its drivers in commercial chicken production in Bangladesh (2022)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, S., Fournié, G., Blake, D., Henning, J., Conway, P., Hoque, M. A., Ghosh, S., Parveen, S., Biswas, P. K., Akhtar, Z., Islam, K., Islam, M. A., Rashid, M. M., Pelligand, L., Khan, Z. H., Rahman, M., Tomley, F., Debnath, N., & Chowdhury, F. (2022). Antibiotic usage practices and its drivers in commercial chicken production in Bangladesh. PLoS ONE, 17(10), e0276158.

Irrational and inappropriate use of antibiotics in commercial chicken production can contribute to the development of antimicrobial resistance. We aimed to assess antibiotic usage in commercial chicken production in Bangladesh, and identify factors a... Read More about Antibiotic usage practices and its drivers in commercial chicken production in Bangladesh.

Cellular electron tomography of the apical complex in the apicomplexan parasite Eimeria tenella shows a highly organised gateway for regulated secretion. (2022)
Journal Article
Burrell, A., Marugan-Hernandez, V., Moreira-Leite, F., Ferguson, D. J. P., Tomley, F. M., & Vaughan, S. (2022). Cellular electron tomography of the apical complex in the apicomplexan parasite Eimeria tenella shows a highly organised gateway for regulated secretion. Cell,

The apical complex of apicomplexan parasites is essential for host cell invasion and intracellular survival and as the site of regulated exocytosis from specialised secretory organelles called rhoptries and micronemes. Despite its importance, there i... Read More about Cellular electron tomography of the apical complex in the apicomplexan parasite Eimeria tenella shows a highly organised gateway for regulated secretion..

A novel whole yeast-based subunit oral vaccine against Eimeria tenella in chickens (2022)
Journal Article
Soutter, F., Werling, D., Nolan, M., Küster, T., Attree, E., Marugán-Hernández, V., Kim, S., Tomley, F. M., & Blake, D. (2022). A novel whole yeast-based subunit oral vaccine against Eimeria tenella in chickens. Frontiers in Immunology, 13, Article 809711.

Cheap, easy-to-produce oral vaccines are needed for control of coccidiosis in chickens to reduce the impact of this disease on welfare and economic performance. Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast expressing three Eimeria tenella antigens were developed a... Read More about A novel whole yeast-based subunit oral vaccine against Eimeria tenella in chickens.

Kinetics of the Cellular and Transcriptomic Response to Eimeria maxima in Relatively Resistant and Susceptible Chicken Lines (2021)
Journal Article
Bremner, A., Kim, S., Morris, K., Nolan, M., Borowska, D., Wu, Z., Tomley, F., Blake, D., Hawken, R., Kaiser, P., & Vervelde, L. (2021). Kinetics of the Cellular and Transcriptomic Response to Eimeria maxima in Relatively Resistant and Susceptible Chicken Lines. Frontiers in Immunology, 12,

Eimeria maxima is a common cause of coccidiosis in chickens, a disease that has a huge economic impact on poultry production. Knowledge of immunity to E. maxima and the specific mechanisms that contribute to differing levels of resistance observed be... Read More about Kinetics of the Cellular and Transcriptomic Response to Eimeria maxima in Relatively Resistant and Susceptible Chicken Lines.

Community engagement: The key to tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) across a One Health context? (2021)
Journal Article
Mitchell, J., Cooke, P., Ahorlu, C., Arjyal, A., Baral, S., Carter, L., Dasgupta, R., Fieroze, F., Fonseca-Braga, M., Huque, R., Lewycka, S., Kalpana, P., Saxena, D., Tomley, F., Tsekleves, E., Vu Thi Quynh, G., & King, R. (2022). Community engagement: The key to tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) across a One Health context?. Global Public Health, 17(11), 2647-2664.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a One Health problem underpinned by complex drivers and behaviours. This is particularly so in low - and middle-income countries (LMICs), where social and systemic factors fuel (mis)use and drive AMR. Behavioural cha... Read More about Community engagement: The key to tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) across a One Health context?.

Controlling the causative agents of coccidiosis in domestic chickens; an eye on the 1 past and considerations for the future 2 (2021)
Journal Article
Attree, E., Sanchez-Arsuaga, G., Jones, M., Xia, D., -Hernandez, M., Blake, D., & Tomley, F. (2021). Controlling the causative agents of coccidiosis in domestic chickens; an eye on the 1 past and considerations for the future 2. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources,

Coccidiosis is a potentially severe enteritis caused by species of obligate intracellular parasites of the genus Eimeria. These parasites cause significant economic losses to the poultry industry, predominantly due to compromised efficiency of produc... Read More about Controlling the causative agents of coccidiosis in domestic chickens; an eye on the 1 past and considerations for the future 2.

Do all Coccidia follow the same trafficking rules? (2021)
Journal Article
Marugan-Hernandez, V., Tomley, F., & Sanchez-Arsuaga, G. (2021). Do all Coccidia follow the same trafficking rules?. Life,

The Coccidia are a subclass of the Apicomplexa including several genera of protozoan parasites that cause important diseases in humans and animals, with Toxoplasma gondii becoming the ‘model organism’ for research into coccidian molecular and cellula... Read More about Do all Coccidia follow the same trafficking rules?.

Spotlight on avian pathology: Eimeria and the disease coccidiosis (2021)
Journal Article
Blake, D. P., Marugan-Hernandez, V., & Tomley, F. M. (in press). Spotlight on avian pathology: Eimeria and the disease coccidiosis. Avian Pathology,

More than 72 billion chickens were produced globally in 2019, emphasising their major contribution to the production of protein for human consumption. Production systems for chickens are increasingly moving towards drug-free and/or extensive programm... Read More about Spotlight on avian pathology: Eimeria and the disease coccidiosis.

Kinetics of the immune response to Eimeria maxima in relatively resistant and susceptible chicken lines (2021)
Journal Article
Bremner, A., Kim, S., Morris, K., Nolan, M. J., Borowska, D., Wu, Z., Tomley, F., Blake, D. P., Hawken, R., Kaiser, P., & Vervelde, L. (2021). Kinetics of the immune response to Eimeria maxima in relatively resistant and susceptible chicken lines. Frontiers in Immunology, 12, Article 653085

Eimeria maxima is a common cause of coccidiosis in chickens, a disease which has a huge economic impact on poultry production. Knowledge of immunity to E. maxima and the specific mechanisms that contribute to differing levels of resistance observed... Read More about Kinetics of the immune response to Eimeria maxima in relatively resistant and susceptible chicken lines.

Genetic and biological characterisation of three cryptic Eimeria operational taxonomic units that infect chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) (2021)
Journal Article
Blake, D., Blake, D., Vrba, V., Xia, D., Xia, D., Tomley, F., Danladi Jatau, I., Spiro, S., Nolan, M. J., Underwood, G., & Tomley, F. (2021). Genetic and biological characterisation of three cryptic Eimeria operational taxonomic units that infect chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). International Journal for Parasitology,

More than 68 billion chickens were produced globally in 2018, emphasising their major contribution to the production of protein for human consumption, and the importance of their pathogens. Protozoan Eimeria species are the most economically signific... Read More about Genetic and biological characterisation of three cryptic Eimeria operational taxonomic units that infect chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus).

Adopting an intersectoral One Health approach in India: Time for One Health Committees (2021)
Journal Article
Dasgupta, R., Tomley, F., Alders, R., Barbuddhe, S., & Kotwani, A. (2021). Adopting an intersectoral One Health approach in India: Time for One Health Committees. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 153(3), 281.

Following the several episodes of zoonotic disease outbreaks and the more recent COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian policy initiatives are committed to institutionalize One Health (OH) approaches and promote intersectoral, transdisciplinary collaboration... Read More about Adopting an intersectoral One Health approach in India: Time for One Health Committees.

Impact of Eimeria tenella oocyst dose on parasite replication, lesion score and cytokine transcription in the caeca in three breeds of commercial layer chickens (2021)
Journal Article
Soutter, F., Werling, D., Kim, S., Pastor-Fernández, I., Marugan-Hernandez, V., Tomley, F., & Blake, D. (in press). Impact of Eimeria tenella oocyst dose on parasite replication, lesion score and cytokine transcription in the caeca in three breeds of commercial layer chickens. Frontiers in Veterinary Science,

Eimeria species parasites infect the gastrointestinal tract of chickens, causing disease and impacting on production. The poultry industry relies on anticoccidial drugs and live vaccines to control Eimeria and there is a need for novel, scalable alte... Read More about Impact of Eimeria tenella oocyst dose on parasite replication, lesion score and cytokine transcription in the caeca in three breeds of commercial layer chickens.

Phylogenetic inference using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) in the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae in the United Kingdom relative to a European framework (2020)
Journal Article
Karp-Tatham, E., Küster, T., Angelou, A., Papadopoulos, E., Nisbet, A., Xia, D., Blake, D., & Tomley, F. (2020). Phylogenetic inference using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) in the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae in the United Kingdom relative to a European framework. Frontiers in Veterinary Science,

The poultry red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae), an obligatory blood feeding ectoparasite, is primarily associated with laying hens where it is estimated to cause losses of ~€231 million per annum to European farmers. Moderate to high infestation levels... Read More about Phylogenetic inference using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) in the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae in the United Kingdom relative to a European framework.