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The effect of aspect ratio on the leading-edge vortex over an insect-like flapping wing (2015)
Journal Article
Phillips, N., Knowles, K., & Bomphrey, R. J. (2015). The effect of aspect ratio on the leading-edge vortex over an insect-like flapping wing.

Insect wing shapes are diverse and a renowned source of inspiration for the new generation of autonomous flapping vehicles, yet the aerodynamic consequences of varying geometry is not well understood. One of the most defining and aerodynamically sign... Read More about The effect of aspect ratio on the leading-edge vortex over an insect-like flapping wing.

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Associated with Brucellosis in Livestock Owners in Jordan (2015)
Journal Article
Musallam, I. I., Abo-Shehada, M. N., & Guitian, J. (2015). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Associated with Brucellosis in Livestock Owners in Jordan. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 93(6), 1148-1155.

We evaluated livestock owners' knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding brucellosis in Jordan. A questionnaire was administered and biological samples were examined to verify the serological status of animals. Seroprevalence estimates indicated... Read More about Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Associated with Brucellosis in Livestock Owners in Jordan.

Europe Needs Consistent Teaching of the Economics of Animal Health (2015)
Journal Article
Jackson, E. L., Waret-Szkuta, A., Raboisson, D., Niemi, J., Aragrande, M., Gethmann, J., Martins, S. B., Horeth-Bontgen, D., Sans, P., Staerk, K. D. C., Haesler, B., & Rushton, J. (2015). Europe Needs Consistent Teaching of the Economics of Animal Health. EuroChoices, 15(2), 42-49.

The prevalence of meat consumption dictates that there is a global need for people educated in
animal health economics. Since there are limited resources available for animal health surveillance, as well as the control and prevention of diseases, pe... Read More about Europe Needs Consistent Teaching of the Economics of Animal Health.

Global Transcriptomic Profiling of Bovine Endometrial Immune Response In Vitro. I. Effect of Lipopolysaccharide on Innate Immunity (2015)
Journal Article
Oguejiofor, C. F., Cheng, Z. R., Abudureyimu, A., Fouladi-Nashta, A. A., & Wathes, D. C. (2015). Global Transcriptomic Profiling of Bovine Endometrial Immune Response In Vitro. I. Effect of Lipopolysaccharide on Innate Immunity. Biology of Reproduction, 93(4),

The dysregulation of endometrial immune response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has been implicated in uterine disease and infertility in the postpartum dairy cow, although the mechanisms are not clear. Here, we investigated whole-transcriptom... Read More about Global Transcriptomic Profiling of Bovine Endometrial Immune Response In Vitro. I. Effect of Lipopolysaccharide on Innate Immunity.

Global Transcriptomic Profiling of Bovine Endometrial Immune Response In Vitro. II. Effect of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus on the Endometrial Response to Lipopolysaccharide (2015)
Journal Article
Oguejiofor, C. F., Cheng, Z. R., Abudureyimu, A., Anstaett, O. L., Brownlie, J., Fouladi-Nashta, A. A., & Wathes, D. C. (2015). Global Transcriptomic Profiling of Bovine Endometrial Immune Response In Vitro. II. Effect of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus on the Endometrial Response to Lipopolysaccharide. Biology of Reproduction, 93(4),

Infection with noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus (ncpBVDV) is associated with uterine disease and infertility. This study investigated the influence of ncpBVDV on immune functions of the bovine endometrium by testing the response to bacterial... Read More about Global Transcriptomic Profiling of Bovine Endometrial Immune Response In Vitro. II. Effect of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus on the Endometrial Response to Lipopolysaccharide.

PKA Phosphorylation of NCLX Reverses Mitochondrial Calcium Overload and Depolarization, Promoting Survival of PINK1-Deficient Dopaminergic Neurons (2015)
Journal Article
Kostic, M., Ludtmann, M. H. R., Bading, H., Hershfinkel, M., Steer, E., Chu, C. T., Abramov, A. Y., & Sekler, I. (2015). PKA Phosphorylation of NCLX Reverses Mitochondrial Calcium Overload and Depolarization, Promoting Survival of PINK1-Deficient Dopaminergic Neurons. Cell Reports, 13(2), 376-386.

Mitochondrial Ca2+ overload is a critical, preceding event in neuronal damage encountered during neurodegenerative and ischemic insults. We found that loss of PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1) function, implicated in Parkinson disease, inhibits... Read More about PKA Phosphorylation of NCLX Reverses Mitochondrial Calcium Overload and Depolarization, Promoting Survival of PINK1-Deficient Dopaminergic Neurons.

Children and adults minimise activated muscle volume by selecting gait parameters that balance gross mechanical power and work demands (2015)
Journal Article
Hubel, T. Y., & Usherwood, J. R. (2015). Children and adults minimise activated muscle volume by selecting gait parameters that balance gross mechanical power and work demands. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(PT 18), 2830-2839.

Terrestrial locomotion on legs is energetically expensive. Compared with cycling, or with locomotion in swimming or flying animals, walking and running are highly uneconomical. Legged gaits that minimise mechanical work have previously been identifie... Read More about Children and adults minimise activated muscle volume by selecting gait parameters that balance gross mechanical power and work demands.

Skinned fibres produce the same power and force as intact fibre bundles from muscle of wild rabbits (2015)
Journal Article
Curtin, N. A., Diack, R. A., West, T. G., Wilson, A. M., & Woledge, R. C. (2015). Skinned fibres produce the same power and force as intact fibre bundles from muscle of wild rabbits. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218, 2856-2863.

Skinned fibres have advantages for comparing the muscle properties of different animal species because they can be prepared from a needle biopsy taken under field conditions. However, it is not clear how well the contractile properties of skinned fib... Read More about Skinned fibres produce the same power and force as intact fibre bundles from muscle of wild rabbits.

Combining Genome Wide Association Studies and Differential Gene Expression Data Analyses Identifies Candidate Genes Affecting Mastitis Caused by Two Different Pathogens in the Dairy Cow (2015)
Journal Article
Chen, X., Cheng, Z. R., Zhang, S., Werling, D., & Wathes, D. C. (2015). Combining Genome Wide Association Studies and Differential Gene Expression Data Analyses Identifies Candidate Genes Affecting Mastitis Caused by Two Different Pathogens in the Dairy Cow. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 5(4), 358-393.

Mastitis is a costly disease which hampers the dairy industry. Inflammation of the mammary gland is commonly caused by bacterial infection, mainly Escherichia coli, Streptococcus uberis and Staphylococcus aureus. As more bacteria become multi-drug re... Read More about Combining Genome Wide Association Studies and Differential Gene Expression Data Analyses Identifies Candidate Genes Affecting Mastitis Caused by Two Different Pathogens in the Dairy Cow.

Lessons from integrating behaviour and resource selection: activity-specific responses of African wild dogs to roads (2015)
Journal Article
Abrahms, B., Jordan, N. R., Golabek, K. A., McNutt, J. W., Wilson, A. M., & Brashares, J. S. (2015). Lessons from integrating behaviour and resource selection: activity-specific responses of African wild dogs to roads. Animal Conservation, 19, 247-255.

Understanding how anthropogenic features affect species' abilities to move within landscapes is essential to conservation planning and requires accurate assessment of resource selection for movement by focal species. Yet, the extent to which an indiv... Read More about Lessons from integrating behaviour and resource selection: activity-specific responses of African wild dogs to roads.

Identification of mouse gaits using a novel force-sensing exercise wheel (2015)
Journal Article
Smith, B. J. H., Cullingford, L., & Usherwood, J. R. (2015). Identification of mouse gaits using a novel force-sensing exercise wheel. Journal of Applied Physiology, 119(6), 704-718.

The gaits that animals use can provide information on neurological and musculoskeletal disorders, as well as the biomechanics of locomotion. Mice are a common research model in many fields; however, there is no consensus in the literature on how (and... Read More about Identification of mouse gaits using a novel force-sensing exercise wheel.