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Clinical features, treatment, and outcome of juvenile dogs with meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology (2024)
Journal Article
Galer, J., Forward, A., Hughes, J., Crawford, A., Behr, S., Cherubini, G., Cornelis, I., & Royaux, E. (2024). Clinical features, treatment, and outcome of juvenile dogs with meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

Background: The information relating to the outcome specifically for juvenile dogs with meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology (MUE) is lacking. Objectives: To describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic findings, treatment, and outcome in a coho... Read More about Clinical features, treatment, and outcome of juvenile dogs with meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology.

Biomechanical modelling and simulation of musculoskeletal function related to the terrestrial locomotion of Riojasuchus tenuisceps (Archosauria: Ornithosuchidae) (2024)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, J., von Baczko, M. B., Zariwala, J., Ballentine, S. E., & Desojo, J. B. (2024). Biomechanical modelling and simulation of musculoskeletal function related to the terrestrial locomotion of Riojasuchus tenuisceps (Archosauria: Ornithosuchidae). Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology,

Maternal Uterine Artery Adenoviral Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (Ad.VEGF-A 165) Gene Therapy Normalises Fetal Brain Growth and Microglial Activation in Nutrient Restricted Pregnant Guinea Pigs (2024)
Journal Article
Hristova, M., Krishnan, T., Rossi, C., Nouza, J., White, A., Peebles, D., Sebire, N., Zachary, I., David, A., & Vaughan, O. (2024). Maternal Uterine Artery Adenoviral Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (Ad.VEGF-A 165) Gene Therapy Normalises Fetal Brain Growth and Microglial Activation in Nutrient Restricted Pregnant Guinea Pigs. Reproductive Sciences,

Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is associated with uteroplacental insufficiency, and neurodevelopmental and structural brain deficits in the infant. It is currently untreatable. We hypothesised that treating the maternal uterine artery with vascular e... Read More about Maternal Uterine Artery Adenoviral Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (Ad.VEGF-A 165) Gene Therapy Normalises Fetal Brain Growth and Microglial Activation in Nutrient Restricted Pregnant Guinea Pigs.

Economic evidence for the control of meatborne parasites in Europe: A scoping review (2024)
Journal Article
Dadios, N., Imazaki, P., Millins, C., & Thomas, L. (2024). Economic evidence for the control of meatborne parasites in Europe: A scoping review. Food Control, 165, 110659.

Meatborne parasites pose significant public health concerns and lead to substantial economic losses. Decisions regarding the introduction of risk-based control strategies to manage these parasites depend on the availability of robust and comparable e... Read More about Economic evidence for the control of meatborne parasites in Europe: A scoping review.

Shape change in the saddle region of the equine backduring trot and walk (2024)
Journal Article
Smirnova, K., Frill, M., Warner, S., & Cheney, J. (2024). Shape change in the saddle region of the equine backduring trot and walk. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 21(215),

Equine back pain is prevalent among ridden horses and is often attributed to poor saddle fit. An alternative explanation is that saddle fits are technically good but fit to the wrong configuration. Saddles are fit for the standing horse, but much of... Read More about Shape change in the saddle region of the equine backduring trot and walk.

Sexually dimorphic effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the murine skeleton (2024)
Journal Article
Bourne, L., Jayash, S., Michels, L., Hopkinson, M., Guppy, F., Clarkin, C., Gard, P., Brissett, N., & Staines, K. (2024). Sexually dimorphic effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the murine skeleton. Biology of Sex Differences, 15(1),

Background Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can result in lifelong disabilities known as foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and is associated with childhood growth deficiencies and increased bone fracture risk. However, the effects of PAE on the... Read More about Sexually dimorphic effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the murine skeleton.

Connected impacts: combining migration tracking data with species distribution models reveals the complex potential impacts of climate change on European Bee-eaters (2024)
Journal Article
Abdul-Wahab, C., Santos Costa, J., D'Mello, F., & Häkkinen, H. (2024). Connected impacts: combining migration tracking data with species distribution models reveals the complex potential impacts of climate change on European Bee-eaters. Journal of Ornithology,

Climate change is a key driver of biodiversity loss in multiple ecosystems, which can act at multiple stages of a species life and annual cycle. Identifying where, when, and how these impacts may happen is key to understanding, and planning for, the... Read More about Connected impacts: combining migration tracking data with species distribution models reveals the complex potential impacts of climate change on European Bee-eaters.

Efficacy and safety of once daily oral administration of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor velagliflozin compared with twice daily insulin injection in diabetic cats (2024)
Journal Article
Niessen, S., Kooistra, H., Forcada, Y., Bjornvad, C., Albrecht, B., Roessner, F., Herberich, E., & Kroh, C. (2024). Efficacy and safety of once daily oral administration of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor velagliflozin compared with twice daily insulin injection in diabetic cats. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

Background: Options for treatment of diabetes mellitus in cats are limited to insulin injections and monitoring for hypoglycemia. Hypothesis: Once daily sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor velagliflozin PO is noninferior to insulin injections. A... Read More about Efficacy and safety of once daily oral administration of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor velagliflozin compared with twice daily insulin injection in diabetic cats.

Epidemiological investigation of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in a Vietnamese bear rescue centre (2024)
Journal Article
Ludi, A., Baker, H., Sanki, R., De Jong, R., Maryan, J., Walker, M., King, D., Gubbins, S., Limon, G., & Officer, K. (2024). Epidemiological investigation of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in a Vietnamese bear rescue centre. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11,

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreaks affecting Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) and a Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) were previously reported in 2011 in two housing facilities at a Vietnamese bear rescue centre. In this study, demogra... Read More about Epidemiological investigation of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in a Vietnamese bear rescue centre.

Autoimmunity to stromal-derived autoantigens in rheumatoid ectopic germinal centers exacerbates arthritis and affects clinical response (2024)
Journal Article
Corsiero, E., Caliste, M., Jagemann, L., Fossati-Jimack, L., Goldmann, K., Cubuk, C., Ghirardi, G., Prediletto, E., Rivellese, F., Alessandri, C., Hopkinson, M., Javaheri, B., Pitsillides, A., Lewis, M., Pitzalis, C., & Bombardieri, M. (2024). Autoimmunity to stromal-derived autoantigens in rheumatoid ectopic germinal centers exacerbates arthritis and affects clinical response. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 134(12),

Ectopic lymphoid structures (ELSs) in the rheumatoid synovial joints sustain autoreactivity against locally expressed autoantigens. We recently identified recombinant monoclonal antibodies (RA-rmAbs) derived from single, locally differentiated rheuma... Read More about Autoimmunity to stromal-derived autoantigens in rheumatoid ectopic germinal centers exacerbates arthritis and affects clinical response.

CD117 expression in canine ovarian tumours (2024)
Journal Article
Mallon, H., Ramírez, G., Dolensek, T., Erles, K., Martí-Garcia, B., Priestnall, S., & Suárez-Bonnet, A. (2024). CD117 expression in canine ovarian tumours. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 212, 1-5.

Canine ovarian cancer poses a significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The heterogeneous nature of ovarian tumours makes accurate histological identification difficult, whilst treatment is limited to surgical excision. The tyrosine kinase re... Read More about CD117 expression in canine ovarian tumours.

<i>Plasmodium</i> LCCL domain-containing modular proteins have their origins in the ancestral alveolate (2024)
Journal Article
De Hoest-Thompson, C., Marugan-Hernandez, V., & Dessens, J. (2024). Plasmodium LCCL domain-containing modular proteins have their origins in the ancestral alveolate. Open Biology, 14(6),

Plasmodium species encode a unique set of six modular proteins named LCCL lectin domain adhesive-like proteins (LAPs) that operate as a complex and that are essential for malaria parasite transmission from mosquito to vertebrate. LAPs possess complex... Read More about <i>Plasmodium</i> LCCL domain-containing modular proteins have their origins in the ancestral alveolate.

Determinants of Thoroughbred yearling sales price in the UK (2024)
Journal Article
Mouncey, R. R., Alarcon, P., & Verheyen, K. L. (2024). Determinants of Thoroughbred yearling sales price in the UK. Veterinary Record Open, 11(1),

Industry-level figures suggest that up to two-thirds of Thoroughbred breeding operations in the UK are unprofitable and that around half of sales transactions of Thoroughbred yearlings, commercial breeders’ predominant income source, retu... Read More about Determinants of Thoroughbred yearling sales price in the UK.

Flow sensing on dragonfly wings (2024)
Journal Article
Uhrhan, M. J., Bomphrey, R. J., & Lin, H. (2024). Flow sensing on dragonfly wings. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1536(1), 107-121.

One feature of animal wings is their embedded mechanosensory system that can support flight control. Insect wings are particularly interesting as they are highly deformable yet the actuation is limited to the wing base. It is established that strain... Read More about Flow sensing on dragonfly wings.

Regenerative Medicine and Biological Treatments (2024)
Book Chapter
Guest, D., Schramme, M., & Smith, R. (2024). Regenerative Medicine and Biological Treatments. In Essential Facts of Equine Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine

Many tissues undergo poor natural regeneration following injury or disease and the reparative healing process can lead to tissues that are functionally inferior and prone to re-injury. Regenerative medicine aims to induce natural tissue regeneration... Read More about Regenerative Medicine and Biological Treatments.

Variations in touch representation in the hummingbird and zebra finch forebrain (2024)
Journal Article
Gaede, A., Wu, P., & Leitch, D. (2024). Variations in touch representation in the hummingbird and zebra finch forebrain. Current Biology, 34(12),

Somatosensation is essential for animals to perceive the external world through touch, allowing them to detect physical contact, temperature, pain, and body position. Studies on rodent vibrissae have highlighted the organization and processing in mam... Read More about Variations in touch representation in the hummingbird and zebra finch forebrain.

Is badger culling associated with risk compensation behaviour among cattle farmers? (2024)
Journal Article
Brunton, L., & Enticott, G. (in press). Is badger culling associated with risk compensation behaviour among cattle farmers?. Veterinary Record,

Risk compensation theory suggests that behaviours are modified in response to interventions that remove risks by substituting them with other risky behaviours to maintain a ‘risk equilibrium’. Alternatively, risk reduction interventions m... Read More about Is badger culling associated with risk compensation behaviour among cattle farmers?.

Large-scale statistical analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome sequences identifies compensatory mutations associated with multi-drug resistance (2024)
Journal Article
Billow, N., Phelan, J., Xia, D., Peng, Y., Clark, T. G., & Chang, Y.-M. (in press). Large-scale statistical analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome sequences identifies compensatory mutations associated with multi-drug resistance. Scientific Reports,

Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, has a significant impact on global health worldwide. The development of multi-drug strains that are resistant to the first-line drugs isoniazid and rifampicin threatens public health security.... Read More about Large-scale statistical analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome sequences identifies compensatory mutations associated with multi-drug resistance.

Exposure to urban particulate matter (UPM) impairs mitochondrial dynamics in BV2 cells, triggering a mitochondrial biogenesis response (2024)
Journal Article
Morris, R. H., Counsell, S. J., McGonnell, I. M., & Thornton, C. (in press). Exposure to urban particulate matter (UPM) impairs mitochondrial dynamics in BV2 cells, triggering a mitochondrial biogenesis response. Journal of Physiology,

World Health Organisation data suggest that up to 99% of the global population are exposed to air pollutants above recommended levels. Impacts to health range from increased risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease to chronic respiratory conditions,... Read More about Exposure to urban particulate matter (UPM) impairs mitochondrial dynamics in BV2 cells, triggering a mitochondrial biogenesis response.